Helpful Merchant Tips for a Spring Refresh

Helpful Merchant Tips for a Spring Refresh

The first day of Spring is rapidly approaching, and now is the perfect time to do some Spring Cleaning and refreshing of your booths and/or showcases. 

While our team does regularly go around and straighten spaces as needed (and as time allows), this is a courtesy as it is the merchants' direct responsibility to maintain their spaces as outlined in our guidelines. We are not the type of space where you can "set it and forget it". Our most successful merchants are here at least twice a month updating, refreshing, restocking, and cleaning their spaces.

We do understand that due to distance that schedule isn't a reality for all merchants, so we will soon be introducing a "Store It & Stock It" service that merchants may take advantage of for a fee. This service would include secure storage of backstock, as well as having the Belleville team restock your space as needed with said backstock. More details will be forthcoming on this added service. In the meantime, here are some other best practices to get your spaces ready for the Spring season as well as our first big event of the year, Springtime in Paris.
  • Empty shelves = lost earnings. Plus they just aren't visually appealing. This includes the bottom shelves of showcases. If you aren't going to fill that space with sellable products, we suggest adding a basket or two to fill the space and keep it from being a dust catcher. If needed, you can use those baskets to hold extra product so it will be on hand the next time you need to restock.
  • On the flip side, a space that is TOO PACKED WITH MERCHANDISE will also result in lost earnings. Belleville Market customers do not want to dig through piles of product. They don't want to bend over to shop for products that are placed directly on the floor (which is a violation of our Merchant Guidelines anyway). Use this time to find a good product balance. We completely understand that you can't sell what you don't have, but we have also found through our experience that you won't sell what your customers can't easily access without mess and clutter. Products should always be easy to access, sort through, and shop.
  • Do you still have fall/winter/holiday items or props in your space? Now is the time to take those products away (or at least minimize their presence in your space) and add fresh inventory that is seasonally appropriate.
  • Give your spaces a good dusting and straightening from top to bottom. As the seasons change, so do the needs of your customers. It’s crucial to stay on top of cleanliness and organization to attract new customers and keep your current ones coming back.
  • Rotate products that have been in the same place for more than a few months. You know what we like to say, motion is money! 
Happy selling!