Merchant Website Listings on

Merchant Website Listings on

We are slowly getting caught up on website listing requests. 

While encourage all merchants to submit requests using the option in ConsignCloud, please note that this is simply a request. We add items to the website based on seasonality, what we're wanting to focus on, customer requests, product category needs, shipping logistics, and how we think it would sell online.

Since this holiday, web sales have grown month over month and we continue to monitor how best to make this program work both for merchants and for us - knowing the time and effort it takes on our end to add items to the website. One thing to keep in mind as we move forward is that selling online and selling in the market are two different things, and we will continue to keep you updated as we figure out ways to improve this program. 

With all that said, we encourage you to mark your requests in ConsignCloud as long as you are following the REQUIRED appropriate steps to ensure your listing is web-ready otherwise your request may not be granted.